#Wonderful wedding on Lake Como, Italy

“Golden lake, enchanted lake, poetry Lake, Lake Como …”. Among all of the wonderful Italian lakes, Lake Como has always attracted the attention of the great poets and writers in the world. Maybe it is for this reason that Sanah and Oliver decided to celebrate their wedding

Sanah has Indian origins and Oliver’s English, they live in London and they have celebrated their marriage according to Indian tradition prior to the event.

On Lake Como, in Italy, they confirmed their love with a heartfelt symbolic celebration. The couple have chosen as the location for the ceremony and reception Villa Cipressi, a beautiful building overlooking the lake and gardens rich of history, all built between 1400 and 1800.

#Flower power

The ceremony space was decorated with wrought-iron chairs, on which were placed small bouquets. The two thematic colors were white and green. These beautiful match has been also used to decorate the arc behind the table used by the celebrant Francesca.

Two lovely flower girls have opened the ceremony. They had wreaths and baskets filled with petals that have launched gently on the path of the bride. Later came the three bridesmaids dressed in long green dresses; finally the bride arrived accompanied by her father and she reached the groom waiting for her at the celebration table, alongside his witnesses dressed in tigth.

A string quartet played for the whole day; to all the guests – fifty – they were given booklets, linked by a rope, to follow the ceremony.

At the end of the celebration, it was time for the couple’s photo shooting. After the shooting in the most romantic places on the location, it was time to photoshoot with the bridesmaids, witnesses, and then with their families.

#A drink on the terrace

After, the guests were greeted by a drink on the terrace of the villa.

On the main terrace, under a vine-arbor, were placed round tables. The newlyweds’ table in the center and those for the guests around were decorated with floral arrangements in glass vases. The mise en place was composed of plates and cutlery and a beautiful key-shaped placeholder with the name of each guest written on a nice card.

During the reception, some touching speeches have involved all. Afterward, on the main terrace was set up a table for cutting the cake with behind an arc which decorations. This exciting time ended with the first dance of the newlyweds and the launch of the bouquet.

Finally, guests have boarded the boat.

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